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Del Oro Student Makes KHSD History as Student Board Trustee

Senior Jalynn Hammond is a trailblazer on this year’s District Board of Trustees
Senior Jalynn Hammond takes her seat on the Board of Trustees dais. Hammond, who is also Del Oro's ASB president, said she is excited to start her new term in office.
Senior Jalynn Hammond takes her seat on the Board of Trustees dais. Hammond, who is also Del Oro’s ASB president, said she is excited to start her new term in office.
Kacie Martinez

Since 2022, the Kern High School District has offered a seat on its Board of Trustees to a student representative. This year, the student representative seat goes to Del Oro senior Jalynn Hammond. Representing over 42,000 students, the role of a Student Board Member involves listening to diverse viewpoints of residents in the Kern community and serving as an instrumental voice for students in the Trustees’ decision-making process.

As the District’s Student Board Member, Hammond is a trailblazer on three fronts: She is the first Black student, first Del Oro student, and fourth student overall to be appointed for the position.

Monday’s monthly Board of Trustees meeting included Hammond’s inauguration, where she was welcomed to the group by taking an oath of office. The meeting followed with the Trustees addressing each item of business on the agenda to prepare for the upcoming school year. However, they also took time to share their excitement for Hammond’s new journey in the role.

“I want to welcome Ms. Hammond to our board,” said Trustee Kathy Scrivner. “This girl is dynamic, and I just met her tonight, but she’s adding so much to us. She’s a lot of fun, and I am really going to enjoy working with her.”

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Trustee David Manriquez acknowledged the importance of having a Student Board Member working with the Board.

“One of the reasons why this Board has a student on the dais is because we here as adults and parents that are in our communities make decisions for our students,” Manriquez said. “And it’s kind of hard to get the perspective of a student that is in high school – what their needs are, what they want.”

Manriquez explained that Hammond’s position brings a new and refreshing perspective to help students and families – their “clientele” – navigate their high school years seamlessly.

Del Oro Social Studies teacher Olive Garrison states that when they first met Hammond in their U.S. History course, they knew she was a natural born leader.

“It does not surprise me that she was selected for this position in being a leader for our district,” Garrison said. “I am so proud of her because not only are we a new school, but she’s not originally from California and she just moved here and just made this place her own. I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do with this position because I think she’s gonna represent students really well.”

Social Studies teacher Jovanni Garcia added how Hammond represents the Kern High School District well through her academics, her social skills, and her empathy. This allows her to relate to students of all demographics and goals, both academic and careerwise.

“She’s a cheerleader, someone who’s motivating, someone who has empathy, someone who cares about students. So I think she’s perfect for this role.” Garcia said, adding that Hammond’s mentality in this role and throughout her high school years has always been to take new opportunities head on.

“She didn’t say, ‘I’m going to go for it and say oh well, we’ll see what happens,’” Garcia said. “No, she was like, ‘I’m going to go for this, and I’m [going to] get it.’ And she did. So I’m proud. Proud with a capital P.”

Said Superintendent Dr. Michael Zulfa: “She’s amazing! I think she’s amazing. I think she’s going to do a great job and she’s going to be a voice for our students.”

Zulfa further explained that traditionally, Student Board Members have focused on advocating for districtwide plans such as improving literacy and employee appreciation. “I’m just so glad. This is such a happy night.”

Hammond, when asked about her future plans as Trustee, says that she plans to implement a drug-free program to ensure that students can be more clean with their bodies, as well as plans to give back and encourage literacy for elementary schools in Kern County. “I can’t give away too much, but yeah, that’s what we’re doing,” she jests.

“I am so grateful for all of this,” said Hammond, who is also Del Oro’s ASB president. “And I think the biggest thing is the support and [my] family, and also being able to implement my position to other students.”

Hammond offered advice to future Student Board Members: “Apply apply. Do the mess you can, and continue going. This is wild.”

You can watch livestream videos of the KHSD Board of Trustees monthly meetings on YouTube.

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